More ministries than ever are utilizing the new HigherTrek video series! We've already had 8 groups in 2025. One of which is Living Word Church in Mathare, Kenya. After learning...
This year HigherTrek completed and launched a sixteen-episode video series designed to address the challenges young men face as they transition into adulthood and take ownership of...
Producing Reproducing Followers By Conner Walcott ’19 Dear HigherTrek Friends & Family, As those of you who have supported this ministry for any length...
Same Mission, Expanded Method By Paul Sigler, Executive Director Recently my wife, Riley, and I were sitting across the breakfast table from another young couple (early...
Hello HigherTrek Community! By Paul Sigler, Executive Director I never would have imaged when I met Christian Postel in 2018 at a men’s retreat that I would one day...
Introducing Our New Director by Alan Wells, Board Chairman HigherTrek Friends & Family, Proverbs 14:29 teaches us that patience leads to an abundance of...
HigherTrek is an organization devoted to helping young men grow a deeper relationship with Jesus so they can follow Him for a lifetime. They invest in groups of five to eight...
How we're seizing an opportunity to reach more young men Can you imagine what the world might look like in twenty years if today’s young men took ownership of their faith,...
Reflecting on a Summer of Impact By Christian Postel On the heels of our summer programs I typically like to invite a few of the summer attendees to share their personal...
By Christian Postel, Executive Director A few months ago, we resolved not to become a ministry that spins our wheels being so worried and concerned about staying in control that...
Sustaining my walk with Jesus during a global pandemic By Luis Valderrama, HigherTrek 2017 Alumnus If you’re a Christian, reading the Bible is fundamental to your...
The health and well being of the young men we’ll be discipling this summer is our first priority. Like most Americans, we’ve been monitoring the impact of the novel...
You’ve heard it said before that seeing is believing. I wish it had been that easy for me. When I was ten years old, my father and mother started following Christ. I saw an...
God's Leading in 2020 and How You Can Help Like most believers his age, Brennan is learning how to own his faith while he becomes a man. “Now I’m trying to figure out...
I'm More Valuable Than I Thought . . . Thanks to You By Maxwell Curry, HigherTrek 2019.4 Alumnus How do I walk with Jesus in a way that is sustainable and will last a...
By Daniel Pliss, HigherTrek 2019.1 Alumnus My salvation story is probably not unlike something you’ve heard before. I was kicked out of my Christian high school when...