This year HigherTrek completed and launched a sixteen-episode video series designed to address the challenges young men face as they transition into adulthood and take ownership of their faith. So far we’ve had over 100 guys go through the series this year, and more groups are scheduled to begin next year.
In addition to these groups, we are working to get the word out to more ministry leaders and individuals around the nation (and the world!) who are passionate about investing in the next generation of Christian leaders. We realize that millions could benefit from this discipleship tool… if they knew about it. Will you help us get the word out? If you know anyone passionate about men’s discipleship who may want to use this resource, I would love to connect with them personally.
Grace and peace,
Paul Sigler | Executive Director

Dylan leading a group of freshmen guys at the University of Louisville through the HT Video Series this fall.

Jim and his group gathered for worship and discussion on the beach after watching a HigherTrek episode.
"We have been grateful for the resource. The discussion guide along with Scripture references have been great for helping us dig deeper into the Word and facilitate discussion on practical application."- Jim, Group Facilitator

Dan facilitating a HT group at Lincroft Bible Church.
“HigherTrek helped me understand what it means to be a man who puts God first.” - Justin, Group Member